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Our in-house team synthesizes scientific research and translates them into easy-to-digest content for you to get educated on the latest health and healthcare information.

7 Best Exercises and Workouts With Ozempic

7 Best Exercises and Workouts With Ozempic

The seven best workouts for weight loss, particularly for non-athletic individuals, include walking, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), swimming, cycling, aerobics, yoga, and weight lifting. Each workout varies in the amount of calories burned per hour and has specific instructions, dos, and don'ts.

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team22 Apr 2024
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Can Part-Time Employees and Contractors Be Included in Group Health Insurance Plans?
Health Insurance

Can Part-Time Employees and Contractors Be Included in Group Health Insurance Plans?

Part-time employees and contractors eligibility for group health insurance plans depends on the size of the business, insurance company policies, and legal requirements. Such insurance provision can attract and retain employees for employers and provide affordable healthcare access for part-time employees and contractors. However, this can result in increased financial burdens and administrative complexities for employers and limited plan options for employees.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA10 Jul 2023
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HRA, HSA vs. FSA Healthcare Saving Accounts - Which is best?
Health Insurance

HRA, HSA vs. FSA Healthcare Saving Accounts - Which is best?

HRAs are solely funded by employers and offer tax-free reimbursements for incurred medical expenses, FSAs allow employees to contribute a portion of their regular earnings for qualified expenses, and HSAs are personal savings accounts offering tax-free benefits for current and future qualified medical and retiree health expenses.

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team10 Jul 2023
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Threads Strategy for Business: Understand Algorithm & How Go to Viral

Threads Strategy for Business: Understand Algorithm & How Go to Viral

To capitalize on Threads' platform, businesses need to create regular, unique posts since the content lifecycle on Threads is a mere few hours. Strategies to prolong content lifespan, such as resharing and repurposing content, are also recommended.

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team8 Jul 2023
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ICHRA vs. QSEHRA: Understand Health Reimbursement Accounts
Health Insurance

ICHRA vs. QSEHRA: Understand Health Reimbursement Accounts

Health Reimbursement Arrangements including the Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) and Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangements (QSEHRA) provide healthcare reimbursement options for businesses. ICHRAs are flexible, scalable, easy to administer, and available to businesses of any size but may lead to higher costs for some employees. QSEHRAs are less flexible, have caps on reimbursement amounts and only available to small businesses with less than 50 employees but are more predictable in cost management for both employers and employees.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA7 Jul 2023
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Can I Use My Health Insurance While Traveling?
Health Insurance

Can I Use My Health Insurance While Traveling?

The type of health insurance you have impacts the level of healthcare access while traveling. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) offer lower premiums but are restrictive and often cover care within specific networks. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) provide greater flexibility, with broader coverage but increased out-of-network costs. Point of Service (POS) and Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) strike a balance between HMOs and PPOs, offering wider networks but limiting out-of-network coverage. Understanding your policy's definition of an "emergency" and potential out-of-network costs is essential

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team8 Jul 2023
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How To Be Happy No Matter What - 7 Tips from Research
Mental Health

How To Be Happy No Matter What - 7 Tips from Research

Happiness is significantly influenced by quality relationships, regular exercise, mindfulness and meditation, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet. The concept of 'miswanting' can lead us astray in our pursuit of happiness – we should avoid materialism and the constant comparison trap that social media often feeds into. The practice of savoring, or fully appreciating the present moment, has been linked to increased levels of happiness. Common misconceptions about happiness include the belief that money equals happiness and the idea of a fixed happiness "set point". Happiness is a skill that can be developed and improved over time with practice and persistence.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA8 Jul 2023
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How Much Do Hip Replacements Cost in 2024? Without Insurance & Out-of-Pocket
Healthcare Cost

How Much Do Hip Replacements Cost in 2024? Without Insurance & Out-of-Pocket

The cost of hip replacement vary wildly based on multiple factors; using data from Medicare, including 748,826 cases of hip replacements between 2012 and 2017, we estimate the average cost of a total hip replacement in the U.S. is $12,815, including $1043 surgeon cost, and $11,772 hospital cost. The prices depend on the type of surgery and other factors, and recovery time can range from a few weeks to several months.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA1 Jan 2024
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How Much Does Genetic Testing Cost Without Insurance?
Healthcare Cost

How Much Does Genetic Testing Cost Without Insurance?

Today, genetic testing has become more convenient and accessible than ever before. However, for those without insurance, the cost of these tests can be a significant hurdle. The cost of genetic tests without insurance can vary greatly, ranging from under $100 to over $2,000. Several elements influence these costs, including the type of test, the complexity of analysis, and laboratory processing fees. Despite these costs, uninsured individuals have several options to access affordable genetic tests, such as direct-to-consumer tests and non-profit organizations' offerings.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA27 Jun 2023
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5 Best Ozempic and Wegovy Alternatives for Weightlosss

5 Best Ozempic and Wegovy Alternatives for Weightlosss

There are 5 categories of semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) alternatives for blood sugar control: (1) GLP-1 drugs such as exenatide, liraglutide, and dulaglutide; (2) DPP-4 inhibitors (e.g., sitagliptin, linagliptin),(3) SGLT2 inhibitors (e.g., canagliflozin, dapagliflozin), (4) metformin, and (5) natural supplements such as cinnamon, berberine, and bitter melon.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA30 Jan 2024
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Not The Flu, But Feels Like It! What Is Influenza-like Illness (ILI)
Public Health

Not The Flu, But Feels Like It! What Is Influenza-like Illness (ILI)

Influenza-like illnesses (ILI) are a group of respiratory infections with similar symptoms to the flu but are caused by different viruses or bacteria. Common misconceptions include ILI being the same as the flu and antibiotics being an effective treatment. It's crucial for individuals and healthcare professionals to differentiate between ILI and influenza to prevent misdiagnosis and provide appropriate treatment. Based on a study published in the journal PLoS One, the distribution of symptoms experienced by patients diagnosed with ILI is as follows: Fever: 95.0% Cough: 92.0% Sore throat: 51.0% Muscle aches (myalgia): 42.0% Fatigue: 42.0% Headache: 40.0% Chills: 36.0% Shortness of breath: 28.0% Nasal congestion: 23.0%

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA2 Jun 2023
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Why Is Medicare Advantage So Popular? A Real Life Squid Game
Public Health

Why Is Medicare Advantage So Popular? A Real Life Squid Game

Medicare Advantage (MA) is so popular and growing because of the intricate business model based on overpayments, risk-score gaming, and relationships with healthcare providers. The Medicare Gold Rush, involving billions of dollars in recent investments, is linked to these dynamics, creating a distorted market that ultimately drains taxpayers and obstructs serious healthcare reform. The Medicare Advantage game is a way some health companies make extra money by taking advantage of the rules in the Medicare system. They do this by finding more health issues to report, getting paid more from the government, and then using those extra payments to offer more attractive insurance plans to seniors. The government pays more than it should for these plans, while the involved companies make a bigger profit. This game includes companies paying doctors to report more health problems, sharing the extra money with doctors, and even owning the doctor's offices. However, it's important to remember that not all Medicare Advantage plans are part of this game.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA3 Jun 2023
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