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Our in-house team synthesizes scientific research and translates them into easy-to-digest content for you to get educated on the latest health and healthcare information.

In-person vs. Virtual care: What's the difference & Which is best

In-person vs. Virtual care: What's the difference & Which is best

Telehealth has gained significant traction, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic, offering benefits such as accessibility, convenience, and cost-effectiveness. However, it faces challenges including quality of care, data privacy, and unequal access, particularly in rural areas with limited internet connectivity. While telehealth is suitable for routine follow-ups, minor illnesses, and mental health consultations, in-person care remains crucial for more serious conditions, initial diagnoses, and procedures that require a physical examination or specialized tests.

Kendra Bean
Kendra Bean30 Aug 2023
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Will We Have Paid Family Leave in 2024?

Will We Have Paid Family Leave in 2024?

There is currently no federal obligation for employers to provide their workers with paid family or medical leave. However, there are laws in place in some states that require paid family leave for employees in 2023.

Dvora Kluwgant, MD
Dvora Kluwgant, MD1 Jan 2024
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Why Do Employees Pass Over Healthcare Offerings?

Why Do Employees Pass Over Healthcare Offerings?

If your employees are choosing to opt-out on your group plan, it may be for various reasons, including cost, benefit preferences, and the provider network offered. Around 46 percent of Americans stated that it was a deciding factor when accepting the offer to their current position.

Talor Bianchini
Talor Bianchini23 Aug 2022
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Is Vaping Worse than Smoking?

Is Vaping Worse than Smoking?

Using e-cigarettes can lead to issues with brain development, mental health, cognition, and worsen certain medical conditions. Even though e-cigarettes lack the primary cancer-causing “tar” in traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes are likely to have increased levels of heavy metals, nicotine, and chemical flavoring.

Sophie Wei
Sophie Wei12 Dec 2022
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What Age Should I Get a Mammogram?

What Age Should I Get a Mammogram?

At the age of 40, women should consider beginning annual screening mammograms as well as women who have a family history of breast cancer. It is essential to consult with your doctor when the right time to start screening is for you.

Erica Kahn
Erica Kahn23 Aug 2022
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How Much Should I Save for Health Emergencies?
Healthcare Cost

How Much Should I Save for Health Emergencies?

Experts suggest your health savings should equal your out-of-pocket maximum. Not all health emergencies are created equal so knowing the average cost of the ER and the average cost of common emergencies is a good starting point for determining how much you should have saved in case of a health emergency.

Alexandra Thompson
Alexandra Thompson23 Aug 2022
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Mask and Vaccine Mandates in the 50 U.S. States.
Public Health

Mask and Vaccine Mandates in the 50 U.S. States.

As of February 17, 2022, only four U.S. states (Hawaii, Illinois, Oregon, and Washington) continue to have indoor mask mandates. Other states have switched to requiring masks only for unvaccinated individuals and in public spaces. The remaining eleven states have not imposed any mask mandates to date. As for a vaccine mandate, 46% of the states require their residents to get vaccinated for COVID-19, while 30% have no active mandate in place.

Girisha Bharadwaj
Girisha Bharadwaj23 Aug 2022
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Health Resolutions You Should Prioritize in 2024

Health Resolutions You Should Prioritize in 2024

Improving your health should always be a goal, but sometimes its easier to start fresh for the new year. Some goals you should consider for the new year include getting more sleep, drinking more water, and finding a type of exercise you actually enjoy doing.

Talor Bianchini
Talor Bianchini1 Jan 2024
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Best At-Home Workout Equipment

Best At-Home Workout Equipment

If you are just beginning your workout journey, you may be unsure what equipment is right for you to purchase. Exercise bikes, yoga mats, and jump ropes are all good options for at-home workout equipment.

Talor Bianchini
Talor Bianchini23 Aug 2022
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How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

The new year means a clean slate, a chance for you to start fresh. Many people begin the new year by creating resolutions and goals for the upcoming year, but often have a hard time sticking to them. There are lots of ways to ensure you stick to your plans, including starting small, being consistent, and staying positive along the way.

Talor Bianchini
Talor Bianchini23 Aug 2022
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Can I Use an At-Home COVID-19 Test for Proof of a Negative Test?

Can I Use an At-Home COVID-19 Test for Proof of a Negative Test?

Some approved at-home COVID-19 tests can be used as proof of a negative test to attend school, work, or public events. These tests require you to make a telehealth appointment with a proctor who will ensure you take the test correctly and provide you with official documentation of your results.

Alexis Bryan
Alexis Bryan23 Apr 2024
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5 Cancer-Causing Food Ingredients To Avoid

5 Cancer-Causing Food Ingredients To Avoid

The number one way to reduce your risk of cancer through diet is to cut down on processed and red meat, as well as alcohol. Additionally, there are several food additives allowed in the U.S. (but prohibited in other countries) you should avoid to minimize your risk of cancer.

Alexis Bryan
Alexis Bryan12 Dec 2022
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