
How Much Sleep Do I Really Need Per Night?

Dvora Kluwgant, MD
Dvora Kluwgant, MD7 Jul 2022
Sleep Facts
Cost and Coverage of Sleep Disorder Treatment
Sleep and Sleep Disorders Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 
Bottom Line 

The average adult requires seven to nine hours of sleep per night. However, many people get far less than this, and nearly half of Americans report feeling sleepy three to seven days per week. With sleep being such a vital component of physical and mental wellbeing, it is alarming that so few of us are getting the sleep we need.

Sometimes, a lack of sleep can be caused by serious medical issues such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Testing for OSA can be expensive - but with Mira, you can get discounts on lab work, urgent care visits, and even 80% off on prescriptions. Try Mira today and sleep more soundly, knowing you are spending less on health care!

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Dvora Kluwgant, MD

Dvora is a recent medical graduate and current MPH student who is passionate about women’s health and health equity. She hopes to specialize in Obstetrics and Gynecology and is excited to join the Mira team in empowering people through healthcare. In her spare time she enjoys exercise, reading and spending time with her family and her dog, Dash.

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