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Mira Healthcare Resources

Our in-house team synthesizes scientific research and translates them into easy-to-digest content for you to get educated on the latest health and healthcare information.

Medicaid Cancellation Letter - Reasons, How to Respond, What to Do Next?
Health Insurance

Medicaid Cancellation Letter - Reasons, How to Respond, What to Do Next?

The most common reason for Medicaid cancellation and termination is a change in income, accounting for 60% of all cancellations. Other reasons include a change in residency, as Medicaid programs are state-specific, and changes in eligibility status like aging out or failing to re-enroll. The article notes that the continuous enrollment provision, which previously mandated states to retain individuals in Medicaid regardless of income or situational changes, ceased on March 31, 2023. This means that states can now disenroll individuals who no longer meet eligibility criteria, with most expected to do so by April 2023.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA1 Sep 2023
Can Primary Care Doctors Prescribe Adderall? A Comprehensive Analysis
Mental Health

Can Primary Care Doctors Prescribe Adderall? A Comprehensive Analysis

While primary care physicians can diagnose and prescribe medication for ADHD, complex cases may require a specialist's expertise. Specialists like psychiatrists, psychologists, or neurologists can provide comprehensive assessments and manage intricate treatment plans. Knowing when to escalate care to a specialist is crucial for effective management.

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team1 Sep 2023
Average Insurance Broker Commission 2024 - Health Insurance, Medicare, and More
Health Insurance

Average Insurance Broker Commission 2024 - Health Insurance, Medicare, and More

Insurance brokers earn commissions, usually a percentage of the premium paid by the consumer, from insurance companies when a policy is sold. Commissions vary significantly depending on the type of insurance, with health insurance brokers earning between 4% to 6% and life insurance brokers earning between 7% to 15% on average. Commercial health insurance commissions differ based on the market (individual, small group, large group) and geographical location, with average individual market commissions across the U.S. at $170.76 per member per year.

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team1 Jan 2024
2024 SEIU Union Health Insurance Eligibility, Cost, and Coverage
Health Insurance

2024 SEIU Union Health Insurance Eligibility, Cost, and Coverage

SEIU Union health insurance costs between $149-$254 for an individual and $482-$650 for a family of three. The plan covers a comprehensive list of services including medical, vision, dental, accident, etc. To become a member of SEIU and access its health plan, an individual must first be employed in a job or industry represented by SEIU in their region.

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team1 Jan 2024
Is SAG Health Insurance Good? 2024 Eligibility, Premiums, and Coverage
Health Insurance

Is SAG Health Insurance Good? 2024 Eligibility, Premiums, and Coverage

The plan offers comprehensive health care benefits, including medical, surgical, mental health, and dental and vision services, and costs between $125-$250 per month. Qualifying for SAG-AFTRA Health Insurance involves meeting certain eligibility criteria including $26,470 in covered earnings and 102 days working per calendar year. Despite the comprehensive coverage, the complex eligibility criteria and high costs are significant drawbacks, potentially limiting the plan's accessibility. Reviews on Reddit are mixed, with negative comments regarding bad customer services and denied claims.

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team1 Jan 2024
What Is Logotherapy and How Does It Work?
Mental Health

What Is Logotherapy and How Does It Work?

Logotherapy, founded by Viktor E. Frankl, has proven to be a potent means to alleviate feelings of anxiety, depression, and emptiness, thereby enhancing life's overall quality). The methodology aids individuals in discovering their distinctive life purpose and enables them to utilize this understanding as a catalyst to resolve challenges. In contrast to other therapeutic procedures, Logotherapy is future-oriented and accentuates the meaning the patient can fulfill in this future. The daily implementation of logotherapy concepts entails establishing significant life objectives, fostering a positive attitude, and robust resilience development.

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team18 Jul 2023
What Causes Yellow Eyes? 4 Common Causes, Treatments, and Specialists
Public Health

What Causes Yellow Eyes? 4 Common Causes, Treatments, and Specialists

Your yellowing eyes could be a symptom of jaundice or other liver diseases, alcohol abuse, or disorders affecting your gallbladder or pancreas. These causes account for over 85% of the cases, according to a study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology. Treatment options range from changes in diet and lifestyle, to medication, or even surgery in severe cases. Home remedies can complement these treatments, while seeking timely medical assistance is crucial.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA20 Oct 2023
15 Common Causes of Pain Below the Ribs - Treatments & Where To Go
Public Health

15 Common Causes of Pain Below the Ribs - Treatments & Where To Go

Pain below the ribs can be caused by various conditions ranging from minor digestive issues to serious medical complications. Research shows that potential causes include gastroenteritis (25%), gastritis (20%), gallstones (15%), peptic ulcers (15%), and more severe conditions such as pulmonary embolism and kidney stones (25%). A healthy diet and over-the-counter medication can manage most minor cases, but frequent or severe pain should prompt immediate medical attention. Options for professional care include family physicians, urgent care clinics, or emergency departments.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA5 Dec 2023
Health Insurance Alternatives For Small Business - 2024 Guide
Health Insurance

Health Insurance Alternatives For Small Business - 2024 Guide

Instead of traditional health insurance plans, small businesses can choose alternatives such as self-funded insurance, health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), group health insurance captives, or using Mira to reduce costs while ensuring adequate healthcare coverage for employees. A combination of Mira and HRA can solve for both flexibility and lower healthcare costs for both employers and employees.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA1 Jan 2024
7 Best Exercises and Workouts for Weight Loss According to Research

7 Best Exercises and Workouts for Weight Loss According to Research

The seven best workouts for weight loss, particularly for non-athletic individuals, include walking, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), swimming, cycling, aerobics, yoga, and weight lifting. Each workout varies in the amount of calories burned per hour and has specific instructions, dos, and don'ts.

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team20 Oct 2023
Can Part-Time Employees and Contractors Be Included in Group Health Insurance Plans?
Health Insurance

Can Part-Time Employees and Contractors Be Included in Group Health Insurance Plans?

Part-time employees and contractors eligibility for group health insurance plans depends on the size of the business, insurance company policies, and legal requirements. Such insurance provision can attract and retain employees for employers and provide affordable healthcare access for part-time employees and contractors. However, this can result in increased financial burdens and administrative complexities for employers and limited plan options for employees.

Khang T. Vuong, MHA
Khang T. Vuong, MHA10 Jul 2023
HRA, HSA vs. FSA Healthcare Saving Accounts - Which is best?
Health Insurance

HRA, HSA vs. FSA Healthcare Saving Accounts - Which is best?

HRAs are solely funded by employers and offer tax-free reimbursements for incurred medical expenses, FSAs allow employees to contribute a portion of their regular earnings for qualified expenses, and HSAs are personal savings accounts offering tax-free benefits for current and future qualified medical and retiree health expenses.

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team10 Jul 2023
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